lead management

Configuring Lead Management

Processing leads properly is crucial for your business and TeamGram has many features to help you customize and improve your company’s lead management. To begin making changes in how you manage your

Turn Your Website Into a Lead Generating Machine

A good website needs a reliable web form. A poorly-designed contact page can mean the difference between winning or losing a lead. Integrating a trustworthy web form that requires zero coding experience,

What to Do with Your Disqualified Leads?

In the process of determining qualified leads, certain leads might not be worth the time and effort of your sales team. Disqualified leads may not have the budget or the ability to

3 Easy Steps for Producing the Best Leads Possible

“Leads” are the lifeline of your business. Without exploring the new opportunities, businesses can potentially lose out on great client relationships. Leads are the people or companies that have yet to do